Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Day 3 - Happy birthday to Ben!

Today we were more upbeat after a better night of sleep, laying in until half 5 (...) and enjoyed a morning group session outside. This was followed by a filling breakfast of yummy pancakes and watermelon!

After this, we sent the students to study for around 2 hours whilst the rest of the team itemised the donations we brought to give to the home, this was 4 full suitcases of clothes alone!! And painted the boat for the holiday club. We were living the high life for lunch as we enjoyed a good 6oz steak with salad!

Following this began the holiday club where we shared the story of Peter walking on water, this lead to Lorna further explainig the story and encouraging the kids in their spiritual journeys. We then split in to two groups, the older kids group lead by Sam and Naomi, played dodgeball indoors. After what seemed a simple game, in translation became very complicated. Despite this, it's a new game they can play for life!! Meanwhile, the younger kids (10 and under) enjoyed water games, target games and captains coming. This was outside on what the Hondurans referred to as a hot day and what we referred to a 'flippin' hot day'. Despite this, it was overall a very fun day as the kids get very stuck in. After 40 minutes, we were glad to hear it was snack time and we all congrigated in the dining hall for drinks and crafts. We came to an end with the song 'wide and long and high and deep' with verses in both Spanish and English.

Finally it was time for team meeting followed by a free relaxing evening.

Please continue to pray for the work we are doing and specifically for the pamper evening we are running for the female staff members tomorrow evening.

In terms of the confusing title, Duncan bought some flapjacks and pretended it was Ben's birthday.

Lots of love,

Lois and Ruth xxx

Messages to home;

Ruth - 'Shout out to ma peeps Hannah and Mark, all is going well mum and dad and not too home sick but still missing you! Hope your all good. Thank you for all the scarfs Grandma.'  

B&B - 'Feeling healthy and happy and just about recovred from jetlag! Blown away by what we see God doing already in Honduras!'

Pippa- 'Hi mum and dad, I hope your having a good Easter! Mum I know you'll be worrying, but we're all happy and healthy and getting on and uninjured, no problemos! Give Spot a cuddle from me. Sam, hope you're not working too hard, missing you (and you mum and dad, awks love you) and see you all soon :) keep safe!! xxx'

Ellie - 'Hey guys, don't worry, I'm not feling sick and I actually enjoyed our landing in Teguc!'


  1. great to hear it is going well-today was a day that english people would call 'cold' but a honduran visiting would call 'flippin cold!'
    Praying as always

  2. Keep up the good work - sounds like you're keeping busy. Lovely to hear from you all in blogs and tweets.

    Glad to hear you've been doing so much studying!! ;-) Pancakes and steak sounds marvelous. Contrary to expectations not worried at all. Getting warmer here but yesterday Dad (David) played in the snow yesterday (we're up North you know).

    Spot has had cuddles - leaving Sam to you.

  3. How about a temperature exchange?! You can have some of our cold and we'll have some of your hot. We're convinced that the UK has been secretly towed about 100 miles north! The pirates stuff sounds really great. Remember, there's a very fine line between being Jack Sparrow or a Cornish Fisherman. Thanks for the shout out Sarah & Ruth. The peeps say HI! Love you. Keep on having a good time. Mum & Dad, Hannah & Mark
