Friday, 5 April 2013

Day 4 - a guys perspective

To give you an idea of our time here, I will let you know that the team are in dormitories with bunk beds, and the guys (Sam, Dunc, Dyl and Ben) are in one room, while the girls are split between two. All the guys got the bed they wanted, and ear plugs have obviously only been deployed due to the night chorus from outside, rather then the noises from inside!

As has been mentioned before, we were lucky enough to see all the school children (from the Manuelito home and the poorer kids from the nearby town Talanga), be able to spend their points that they had accumulated in the last month for doing positive things, on clothing, toys, sweets and other items. It was touching to see a young boy come out proudly displaying the toy cars he had got, as while they were for an younger child, they may have the first proper toys he had ever had.

We also found out that we had been able to give in the donated clothes at the right time, as they were able to be included in this month's choice, especially the boys clothing, as they find it hard to get enough boys clothes as so many more. All the football tops went very quickly, so lots of new Arsenal and Chelsea fans!

In Honduras, the most popular sport is football, and they watch and know lots about Spanish and English football, with the spanish team Barcelona being the most popular. Baseball is the second most popular.

At the holiday club, it was great to hang out with the kids and see them really enjoy us put this club on for them, so much so that they would get involved and be really concentrating as they enjoy the stories and the creative craft. There is nothing like having about 50 kids who have been cheering loudly for last few minutes suddenly fall silent for 30 minutes as they add colour to a picture (including butterflies, boats, fish and bees) that they can then keep and have on their bunk bed wall, to bring home how much this means to them. Also, one of the older boys wanted to do the closing prayer for the club, which was great as well.

In the evening, while the ladies were preparing for the pamper evening, Dyl, Sam and Ben played American football and normal football/soccer with some of the younger boys, and you know that you are really out of your comfort zone when you are being lightly tackled and wrestled on the ground by four boys you barely know the name of, and are still really enjoying it and seeing them really enjoy it as well.

Later in the evening, Sam, Dyl and Ben (with some technical help from Dunc) organised a movie night for the children, complete with sweet popcorn from UK (which the children had never tasted) and watched 'The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!/ Band of Misfits' in spanish with english subtitles. The kids really enjoyed it and we had a good time, and got back just before the rain started (it was started to become brown again, so was needed)

Hope you enjoyed reading this, and come back soon for the next installment.

The Guys (Ben, Dyl, Dunc and Sam)

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