Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Day 2 - the pirates have landed!

Hello fellow fans. Our first night in Honduras was OK, however we went to bed early which meant that we woke up early, for some people at 3:00am! I know you all want to know what we have been eating so here is the low down:

Breakfast: sausages, eggy bread, scrambled egg, watermelon
Luch: spicy rice and beef
Dinner: Tacos and chicken

Om nom nom. We had our first day of the pirate themed holiday club today. We looked at the bible story where Jesus meets Peter and catches loads of fish and about how we can follow Jesus and be fishers of men. We were quite nervous about the language beeing a barrier but with the help of Captain Jack Loco (Captain Crazy Jack a.k.a Duncan) and our wonderful Alejandra we managed fine and the kids had a great time! During the rest of the afternoon some of us wih exams coming up did some work (please pray for exams!) We then followed up the evening with a Veggie Tales Pirate film which we watched outside underneath the stars on a big screen.

We are all very tired but at the same time very excited to be here serving God. He's got big plans for us and the project and its really specail being able to be here witnessing God's work. I am especially looking forward to the club tomorrow as I am getting to do the talk! Please continue to pray for us and that we feel renewed, refreshed and revived with energy each day! It's amazing to see how God is with us on this trip and how he is bringing it all together! In traditional pirate talk; Argghhhmen!

P.s please comment so we know how you are all keeping in Maidenhead!



  1. Hola me hearties!Still pretty cold here in Maidenhead and penguins been seen in the High Street. Great to hear all going well over there and praying for you all.Do they do fish fingers over there?

  2. I'm definitely adopting Argghhhmen as part of my prayer vocabulary. Sounds like you're all having an amazing time - Veggie Tales under the stars sounds simultaneously hilarious and lovely. Love and prayers :) xxx
