Sunday, 31 March 2013

Day 1 - Travel and Texas

We are here, all safe and sound, well fed, and in a surprisingly comfortable hotel!
We took off from Heathrow at 11.46 (that's right! A massive 6 minutes late thanks to business class not having the correct TV headsets) and embarked on a tedious 10 hour journey to Houston. Lucky for us, we were able to watch a selection of films and TV that repeated themselves every couple of hours, including a documentary about ancient  Polynesians and Rise of the Guardians. After a very smooth flight we hit a pocket of heavy turbulence as we came to land and my picturesque vision of sun, cowboy hats and tumbleweed was shattered as we were met by rain. Lots and lots of rain.
We arrived at the hotel as the sun decided to pop out again with only one thing on our mind. FOOD! We booked in and were immediately told that our options were limited as due to it being easter Sunday, everywhere was closed. Having said this the receptionist handed us some takeaway menus which we piled into. Half an hour later, thanks to some excellent order taking by Lois we were ready! Unfortunately the takeaway place wasn't and upon calling them we discovered that they were closed.
Take two, we opt for pizza. Another half hour of deliberating and we pick up the phone...closed!

Hungry, and on the verge of giving up, Charlotte discovered that just across the road was a 24 hour diner! We scuttled across the road (at the designated crossing to avoid Jaywalking) and into the neon glow of Hot Biscuit: 24 hour Restaurant.
I'm now writing this blog post with a full belly of deep fried fish, deep fried crab, deep fried shrimp, deep fried corn stuff (hushpuppies) and of course, deep fried French fries.
We are up early tomorrow morning and will post the next blog from Honduras. The Twitter page is also much more regularly updated (and you don't need an account yourself to view it).
Please pray for our travel tomorrow, as well as for energy for all of us and thank God for how good this hotel is and how safe he has been keeping us!

1 comment:

  1. yay!Praying all goes well with you folks!
    Cheesiest grin prize won by lorna and Lois whilst least interested grin goes to Dylan
    keep tweeting!x
