Saturday, 29 September 2012

Fund Run - we did it!

We have had a good fun run, with two teams of six running round the track this afternoon. Well done teams, especially with Jason cheering us along.

Our teams' completed 126 laps of the circuit between them, which has been worked out to being just over a half marathon, done in 55 minutes.

Running were: Howard, Christine, Alan, Andy, Sam, Dylan, Lois, Ellie, Evey, Maisy, Jenny, Ben and Beth.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Monthly Car Wash - Come along

From Sat 15th September, we will be running a regular car wash every 3rd Saturday morning of the month at the Memorial Hall. Proceeds will be split 50/50 between the Open Church Project (OCP) and the church trip to Manuelito Children's Home in Honduras in April 2013.

We will also have a produce/cake stall there every month. Volunteers are needed! If you are able to help in any way or would be interested in organising publicity, please speak to Rosalie or Beth