Sunday, 2 December 2012

Honduras Charity Concert - coming up

We are holding this concert in order to raise money for the trip in April 2013, and to give to the home itself. There will be a range of performances, from brass quintets to choirs and acoustic guitars to musicals. Tickets will be on sale in the new year, so please keep the date free!

When: Saturday 19th January 2013
Where: Furze Platt Senior School Hall
Time: 7:00/7:30pm
Tickets: £8.00 for 16+ and £5.00 for Under 16 and Senior Citizens

Find out more at:

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Monthly Car Wash - Coming up clean!

The next car wash is this Saturday (17th December) from 9.30-11.30am. Please come and bring your car to get clean and raise money at the same time!

Those of us who have taken part have really enjoyed it and it's raising money both for our trip and the Open Church Project, as we've taken over £400 so far, so its really been great to do

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Fund Run - final total

Well done to our teams, after getting the money and forms back, we were able to raise £542 before gift aid, which will be split between the Lions club in Maidenhead, for locally supported activities, and OCP and Honduras 2013 trip.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Fund Run - we did it!

We have had a good fun run, with two teams of six running round the track this afternoon. Well done teams, especially with Jason cheering us along.

Our teams' completed 126 laps of the circuit between them, which has been worked out to being just over a half marathon, done in 55 minutes.

Running were: Howard, Christine, Alan, Andy, Sam, Dylan, Lois, Ellie, Evey, Maisy, Jenny, Ben and Beth.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Monthly Car Wash - Come along

From Sat 15th September, we will be running a regular car wash every 3rd Saturday morning of the month at the Memorial Hall. Proceeds will be split 50/50 between the Open Church Project (OCP) and the church trip to Manuelito Children's Home in Honduras in April 2013.

We will also have a produce/cake stall there every month. Volunteers are needed! If you are able to help in any way or would be interested in organising publicity, please speak to Rosalie or Beth

Sunday, 19 August 2012

A-Team Abseil - Join the team!

Mark is aiming to abseil 418 feet down the tallest permanent abseil tower in the world (at the National Lift Tower in Northampton) - late 2012 or early 2013- and he's looking for 6 others to join him.

His mum (age 68) has already joined the team and a couple of others people are definitely interested. Money raised will be split 50/50 between the OCP and helping fund the Honduras Mission Trip at Easter 2013.

Be in touch with him in September if you'd like to join in - no upper age limit but you have to be 14 or over (and less than 21st 5lb).

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Fund Run - support us

Fundrun Sat 29th September, afternoon (Exact time TBC) - For the Open Church Project (OCP) and Honduras 2013.

Ben and Beth have entered 2 St Peter's teams to take part in the Lions Fundrun at Braywick. The run is a relay of 200m sections for 55 minutes, and we need 2 teams of 8 to make this worthwhile, and for it not to kill us!

So if you can walk, run or do 200m in a wheelchair, or if you want to sponsor those of us who are going to, please speak to Ben or Beth.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Honduras 2012 - building on 2011 trip

In February 2012, Mark and Rosalie from St Peter's church went out to Honduras to visit the Manuelito children's home to help build on the relationships formed when some of the youth group visited the home in 2011.

They were joined by Duncan and stayed out there for two weeks, and you can read more about the trip by visiting their blog at:

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Honduras 2011 - First youth trip

In 2011, some of our youth group at St Peter's went to Honduras, to work in a children's home with the charity StreetKids Direct. For some quotes and photos from the 2011 trip undertaken, visit

For a full report on the time away, visit:

For more information on StreetKids Direct, visit:

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Honduras 2013 - Third trip out

St Peter's church, Maidenhead is hoping to take a group of adults and young people to Honduras next Easter 2013, during the school holidays.

We will be going to the Manuelito Children's Home in Talanga, which we visited in 2011.

The team will be a mix of young people and adults. If you are interested in exploring being part of the team, please speak to Rosalie